As part of the BPM analysis, we look at the content of your company. Content includes paper, electronic files, file feeds from other applications or external business partners, emails, faxes and more.
This content is all a part of your business assets. These assets need to be transformed into a digital format (if not already done) and then stored with the proper search metadata and record retention rules that apply to your business.
Once the assets are in a digital format, they must be utilized and leveraged: capture key data; move through an automated workflow; and to marry the content with necessary systems.
Put Your Business Assets to Work
Once a company has transformed their assets into a digital format, the sky is the limit. Combine these digital assets with automation and integration and now you’re ready to accelerate your business.
Send work directly to the right person instead of it hopping desk to desk.
Make the work available for anyone to see. No more telling customers that the file has to be pulled since you have instant access to their content.
Additionally, make the content more powerful by extracting key data, passing that to necessary systems and to make searches easier.
Digitization is the Start and End of your Transformation
The basis of most digital transactions start with taking both physical and electronic data and turning it into digital content. Whether this is scanning paper or taking fax transmissions and sending them into a workflow, intake management is a key part of the digital process.
However, turning the content into a digital format is just the beginning. By using optical character recognition (OCR), intelligent character recognition (ICR), and forms recognition, content can be automatically identified into a pre-determined document type. Data from the content can also be captured and passed to other systems.
At the end is the storing and managing your digital content. Within most Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems smaller, embedded workflows are designed to efficiently handle your digital assets.
First, they are classified based on the metadata set and passed from Intake Management or the BPM system. Retention rules and file plans are then assigned based on the classification to ensure the content is properly disposed when the retention rules are satisfied. Just like in the BPM system, access controls are in place so that only users with the proper authority can see specific content.
Even though the digital content may be out of a workflow, it still may be worked and thus there are version and rendition controls. Standard, dynamic and full text searches can be done on the content and displayed using modern web and mobile technology.
Even after the retention date is reached, business rules can still apply so that content can be reviewed or put on legal hold. Finally, the content is destroyed once it has passed through all of the business rules.
ClearCadence can provide your business with the tools it needs to capture and store your digital assets
Whether it’s Capture or Content Management, OpenText provides ECM solutions designed to help organizations take full advantage of the opportunities offered through digital transformation.
An open and powerful ECM platform, Alfresco Content Services provides easy access to your business assets via mobile applications, a simple but rich collaboration user experience and helps customers maximize the value of their content.
With the ability to rapidly create low-code, Windows based applications, K2 can match people with their work efficiently while providing collaboration and process automation.